


Sjö­paviljon­gen quick­ly earned a place on our must-do list for Fri­day nights in Stock­holm. Pic­ture this: you're sway­ing to live mu­sic as the sun dips be­low the hori­zon, paint­ing the sky in shades of pink and or­ange. A light breeze car­ries the sounds of the city around you, and you're com­plete­ly caught up in the mo­ment. Trust us, you'll be telling every­one you know about this place be­fore you've even fin­ished your first drink. Their up­com­ing mu­si­cal line­up has us hooked – Pep­son &

Col al­ways put on an un­for­get­table show, and we can't wait to see John Venki­ah and Emil Molin per­form on May 19th. We're im­pressed by their com­mit­ment to fea­tur­ing up-and-com­ing artists, mak­ing it a prime spot to dis­cov­er your next fa­vorite band. And we've heard ru­mors of ex­cit­ing new menu ad­di­tions that have us plan­ning our next vis­it – we can prac­ti­cal­ly taste them al­ready! Sjö­paviljon­gen ef­fort­less­ly com­bines fan­tas­tic mu­sic, de­li­cious food, and an ir­re­sistible at­mos­phere – don't miss it on your Stock­holm ad­ven­ture.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:30 - 22:00Tuesday11:30 - 22:00Wednesday11:30 - 22:00Thursday11:30 - 22:00Friday11:30 - 22:00Saturday00:00 - 22:00Sunday00:00 - 20:00