art gallery

Sim Smith


For art lovers seek­ing out the lat­est in con­tem­po­rary art, Sim Smith gallery in Cam­ber­well is a must-vis­it. Slight­ly off the beat­en path in a pedes­tri­an al­ley con­nect­ing Cam­ber­well New Road and Cam­ber­well Road, this small gallery is easy to miss but worth seek­ing out. With a cu­rat­ed se­lec­tion of ro­tat­ing ex­hi­bi­tions through­out the year, there's al­ways some­thing new to dis­cov­er. Check their web­site for cur­rent shows, but if you're in the area on a Fri­day or Sat­ur­day, be sure to pop in - ad­mis­sion is al­ways free.
