
Sick­la Park


Dis­cov­er the Oa­sis of Sick­la Park On the tran­quil shores of Ham­mar­by Sjö, Sick­la Park beck­ons you to a pic­turesque es­cape. Ver­dant lawns and tow­er­ing trees cre­ate a lush ex­panse, while man­i­cured gar­dens burst with vi­brant col­ors and scents. Stroll along wind­ing foot­paths that me­an­der through the park's heart, lead­ing you to sun-drenched bench­es where you can soak up the

tran­quil­i­ty. Let the kids frol­ic in the vi­brant play­ground while you im­merse your­self in the park's cul­tur­al of­fer­ings. En­gage with in­spir­ing con­tem­po­rary art at the Fo­tografiska Mu­se­um, or glide across the ice dur­ing win­ter months at the park's skat­ing rink. Sick­la Park seam­less­ly blends ur­ban con­ve­nience with a serene haven, of­fer­ing a wel­come respite amidst the bustling city of Stock­holm.