vegetarian restaurant

Shiv­am Restau­rant


Step­ping into Shiv­am Restau­rant is like step­ping into a sen­so­ry cel­e­bra­tion of In­di­an cui­sine. Lo­cat­ed in Sin­ga­pore, this culi­nary haven wel­comes you with the in­tox­i­cat­ing aro­ma of spices and the sight of chefs ex­pert­ly craft­ing tra­di­tion­al dish­es. Each bite, from the tan­doori plat­ters to the rich cur­ries, bursts with fla­vor, show­cas­ing the com­plex­i­ty and artistry of In­di­an cook­ing. The invit­ing at­mos­phere, com­plete with beau­ti­ful ta­pes­tries and calm­ing mu­sic, makes it per­fect for a spe­cial din­ner date or a fun gath­er­ing with friends. Shiv­am of­fers a tru­ly mem­o­rable din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, trans­port­ing you to the heart of In­di­a's fla­vor­ful streets.

Price point
Opening hours
Saturday11:30 - 23:30Sunday11:30 - 23:30Monday11:30 - 23:30Tuesday11:30 - 23:30Wednesday11:30 - 23:30Thursday11:30 - 23:30Friday11:30 - 23:30