
Sham­rock Pal­ma


Step­ping into Sham­rock Pal­ma is like be­ing in­stant­ly trans­port­ed to a live­ly pub on the streets of Dublin. The cozy in­te­ri­or and clas­sic decor cre­ate a com­fort­ing am­biance where it's easy to feel right at home. The mo­ment you en­ter, the staff wel­comes you with gen­uine warmth, as if you're a reg­u­lar they haven't seen in a while. The menu is a love let­ter to Irish cui­sine, boast­ing dish­es like crispy fish and chips,

sat­is­fy­ing shep­herd's pie, and the ever-clas­sic bangers and mash. Pair your meal with a mas­ter­ful­ly poured pint of Guin­ness, Mur­phy's, or Kilken­ny for the full ex­pe­ri­ence. Dur­ing the week, a blend of fa­mil­iar faces and in­trigued trav­el­ers con­tributes to a laid-back at­mos­phere. As the week­end ar­rives, Sham­rock Pal­ma trans­forms with the ex­cite­ment of live mu­sic and the shared en­er­gy of cheer­ing on your fa­vorite teams on the nu­mer­ous screens scat­tered through­out the bar.

Price point