
Shalom Piz­za - The Best Kosher Piz­za in Los An­ge­les


Shalom Piz­za, lo­cat­ed in the vi­brant city of Los An­ge­les, boasts the ti­tle of serv­ing the most de­lec­table kosher piz­za in the re­gion. With a menu that caters to di­verse palates, Shalom Piz­za of­fers an ar­ray of tan­ta­liz­ing op­tions. From suc­cu­lent pas­tas and crisp sal­ads to fla­vor­ful Mex­i­can dish­es and tempt­ing side or­ders, every dish is craft­ed with the ut­most care and at­ten­tion to de­tail. Whether you seek a cozy fam­i­ly meal or a de­light­ful din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence with friends, Shalom Piz­za promis­es to pro­vide an un­for­get­table culi­nary jour­ney.

Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 12:00Tuesday11:00 - 12:00Wednesday11:00 - 12:00Thursday11:00 - 12:00Friday10:00 - 17:00Saturday20:30 - 02:00Sunday10:00 - 12:00