meal takeaway

Shah Tan­doori Restau­rant


Crav­ing real-deal In­di­an food in Lon­don? Shah Tan­doori should be on your radar. Their web­site makes or­der­ing a breeze, plus you'll score great deals on their mas­sive menu. Think aro­mat­ic cur­ries, per­fect­ly charred tan­doori, fla­vor­ful birya­nis, and fluffy naan - all made with top-notch in­gre­di­ents and a clear love for clas­sic In­di­an cook­ing. They cater to every spice lev­el, so whether you like it mild or fiery, you're cov­ered. Or­der­ing on­line is su­per easy, al­low­ing you to tai­lor dish­es to your lik­ing and have them de­liv­ered straight to you. Round up your friends, dive into a world of In­di­an fla­vors, and let Shah Tan­doori treat you to their de­li­cious culi­nary cre­ations.

Price point