
Ser­e­na SPA Meliá Sar­rià


Step­ping into Ser­e­na SPA at the Meliá Sar­rià is like en­ter­ing a hid­den sanc­tu­ary. The en­tire space en­cour­ages you to un­wind, with its sooth­ing am­biance and lux­u­ri­ous ameni­ties. I start­ed with the ther­mal cir­cuit, mov­ing be­tween the sauna, steam room, and hot tub – pure bliss! The heat­ed pool is per­fect for a re­lax­ing dip, or you can sim­ply choose to un­wind on a

com­fy daybed and let your wor­ries dis­ap­pear. Their menu boasts an ar­ray of tempt­ing treat­ments, from mas­sages and fa­cials to body wraps and scrubs – all us­ing top-notch prod­ucts. If you're look­ing for some­thing unique, try their sig­na­ture Meliá Detox Rit­u­al or the Thai Herbal Com­press Mas­sage. A vis­it here is the per­fect way to es­cape the city buzz with­out leav­ing Barcelona.
