
Ser­co­tel Rosel­lón


The Ser­co­tel Rosel­lón is a styl­ish oa­sis with­in Barcelon­a's bustling Eix­am­ple dis­trict. The mod­ern rooms, awash in warm tones and con­tem­po­rary fur­nish­ings, pro­vide a wel­come respite af­ter a day of sight­see­ing. We loved re­lax­ing in the lounge – the cozy fire­places and plush seat­ing were per­fect for un­wind­ing. Each morn­ing, the hotel's

restau­rant serves up a tasty break­fast, fu­el­ing you up to ex­plore the city's many trea­sures. Steps from your door, you'll dis­cov­er Barcelon­a's icon­ic land­marks, al­lur­ing bou­tiques, and a world of culi­nary de­lights. Whether you're a sea­soned glo­be­trot­ter or a first-time guest to the city, the Ser­co­tel Rosel­lón guar­an­tees a mem­o­rable stay.

Price point