
Sel­mas krog


Okay, here's a draft de­scrib­ing Sel­mas Krog: Sel­mas Krog, sit­u­at­ed in Sund­by­berg, is a breath of fresh air for any­one seek­ing au­then­tic Swedish cui­sine. The at­mos­phere is live­ly yet com­fort­able, per­fect for a ca­su­al din­ner with friends or a fam­i­ly gath­er­ing. We es­pe­cial­ly en­joyed their dai­ly spe­cials, show­cas­ing fresh, sea­son­al in­gre­di­ents pre­pared with a fo­cus on clas­sic Swedish fla­vors. If you're look­ing for a true taste of Swe­den, make sure Sel­mas Krog is on your Stock­holm itin­er­ary.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday15:00 - 22:00Tuesday15:00 - 22:00Wednesday15:00 - 22:00Thursday15:00 - 22:00Friday15:00 - 23:00Saturday15:00 - 23:00Sunday15:00 - 22:00