
Scribe Bar at FCC Angkor By Avani


Un­wind at the in­ti­mate Scribe Bar, an en­chant­i­ng oa­sis at FCC Angkor By Avani in the heart of Siem Reap. With an­tique Khmer ar­ti­facts and dim light­ing, this el­e­gant bar of­fers a sanc­tu­ary for re­lax­ation. In­dulge in ar­ti­sanal cock­tails craft­ed with lo­cal in­gre­di­ents, each a trib­ute to the re­gion's rich cul­ture and fla­vors. Sink into plush leather arm­chairs and let the sooth­ing melodies trans­port you to an­oth­er era. As the evening un­folds, the bar trans­forms into a so­cial hub, where lo­cals and trav­el­ers min­gle and share sto­ries un­der the twin­kling stars.
