
Scan­dic Con­ti­nen­tal


Pic­ture this: you're sa­vor­ing a per­fect­ly craft­ed cock­tail, the city lights of Stock­holm sparkling be­neath you. This is the mag­ic of the Scan­dic Con­ti­nen­tal's rooftop bar. More than just a place for drinks, it's an ex­pe­ri­ence. The am­biance thrums with a chic, mod­ern en­er­gy, draw­ing you into its cos­mopoli­tan em­brace. Af­ter ex­plor­ing the city, the

hotel's per­fect lo­ca­tion drew us to this hid­den trea­sure. We se­cured a ta­ble with stun­ning city vis­tas. The cock­tail menu, boast­ing lo­cal spir­its and unique fla­vor com­bi­na­tions, sur­passed our ex­pec­ta­tions. It was an ide­al spot to un­wind, and the panoram­ic view? Sim­ply breath­tak­ing. Don't over­look this rooftop haven on your Stock­holm ad­ven­tures.

Price point