
Saus­set Park


Trad­ing the Parisian streets for a breath of fresh air at Saus­set Park was just what we need­ed. This ex­pan­sive green space, di­vid­ed into eight unique sec­tions, of­fers a sur­pris­ing va­ri­ety of land­scapes to dis­cov­er. Our af­ter­noon was spent ex­plor­ing the park's trails by bike, glid­ing un­der the shade of leafy trees.

There's some­thing for every taste here, from peace­ful lake­side pic­nics and op­por­tu­ni­ties to spot lo­cal birdlife to qui­et cor­ners per­fect for curl­ing up with a good read. Be­fore you go, take a peek at the park's web­site – it's full of help­ful in­for­ma­tion and de­tails on up­com­ing events.
