SAS 14 Pyra­mides No­taires As­so­ciés


In the heart of Paris, SAS 14 Pyra­mides No­taires As­so­ciés is a haven for holis­tic heal­ing and well-be­ing. This tran­quil cen­ter of­fers a com­pre­hen­sive range of al­ter­na­tive ther­a­pies, tai­lored to each in­di­vid­u­al's unique needs. Step in­side and be greet­ed by a team of ded­i­cat­ed prac­ti­tion­ers who guide you on your jour­ney to op­ti­mal health. From acupunc­ture and mas­sage to natur­opa­thy and en­er­gy heal­ing, SAS 14 Pyra­mides No­taires As­so­ciés has some­thing for every­one. The cen­ter's serene am­biance pro­vides a sanc­tu­ary for re­lax­ation and re­ju­ve­na­tion. Whether seek­ing re­lief from chron­ic pain, stress, or anx­i­ety, or sim­ply look­ing to en­hance over­all well-be­ing, SAS 14 Pyra­mides No­taires As­so­ciés has the ex­per­tise and re­sources to help you achieve your well­ness goals.

Opening hours
Monday08:30 - 19:00Tuesday08:30 - 19:00Wednesday08:30 - 19:00Thursday08:30 - 19:00Friday08:30 - 19:00SaturdayClosedSundayClosed