
Sarnies Bangkok


Sarnies serves up cre­ative and tra­di­tion­al sand­wich­es in a styl­ish ware­house-style space. This pop­u­lar sand­wich cafe aims to whet your ap­petite with beau­ti­ful plat­ing and tan­ta­lize your taste buds with un­usu­al fla­vor com­bi­na­tions. With sand­wich­es rang­ing from the tra­di­tion­al (ie. BLT) to the tan­ta­liz­ing (think deep-fried Brie with caramelized onions), Sarnies is a great place to grab a quick bite or a leisure­ly lunch. Be sure to pair your sand­wich with the ad­dic­tive pota­to chips, which are dan­ger­ous­ly mor­eish.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday08:00 - 22:00Tuesday08:00 - 22:00Wednesday08:00 - 22:00Thursday08:00 - 22:00Friday08:00 - 22:00Saturday08:00 - 22:00Sunday08:00 - 22:00