
San­ta Gula


San­ta Gula is a culi­nary haven that tru­ly cel­e­brates the essence of Barcelona. This charm­ing eatery show­cas­es the fresh­est lo­cal pro­duce, trans­formed into fla­vor­ful dish­es by skilled chefs. Their com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty is ev­i­dent in both their eco-friend­ly prac­tices and sup­port for near­by sup­pli­ers. Walk­ing through the doors, you are en­veloped by the wel­com­ing am­biance. The kind and at­ten­tive staff ex­pert­ly guide you through the menu, of­fer­ing per­son­al­ized rec­om­men­da­tions. Every

plate ar­rives as a work of art, beau­ti­ful­ly pre­sent­ed and burst­ing with fla­vor. The high-qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents shine, show­cas­ing the fresh­ness of lo­cal in­gre­di­ents. From clas­sic Cata­lan fa­vorites to in­ven­tive new dish­es, there's some­thing to please every palate. San­ta Gula is more than a restau­rant; it's an ex­pe­ri­ence. A tes­ta­ment to the pow­er of fresh in­gre­di­ents and sus­tain­able prac­tices, it leaves a last­ing im­pres­sion on lo­cals and vis­i­tors alike.

Price point
Opening hours
Friday13:00 - 16:0019:30 - 23:00Sunday13:00 - 16:0020:00 - 23:00Monday13:00 - 16:0020:00 - 23:00Tuesday13:00 - 16:0020:00 - 23:00Wednesday13:00 - 16:0020:00 - 23:00Thursday13:00 - 16:0020:00 - 23:00Saturday13:00 - 16:0019:30 - 23:00