sushi restaurant

San­ju­go Shored­itch


San­ju­go brings real deal Japan­ese cook­ing to Lon­don's An­gel and Shored­itch neigh­bor­hoods. This is­n't your av­er­age sushi spot - they've got a menu loaded with pre­mi­um dish­es us­ing the fresh­est in­gre­di­ents. Think beau­ti­ful­ly pre­pared sushi and sashi­mi along­side fluffy bao buns, fla­vor­ful don­buri, and of course, a well-cu­rat­ed sake se­lec­tion. A meal here goes be­yond just food; it's a true taste of Japan that will leave you feel­ing com­plete­ly sat­is­fied.

Price point