
San Mei Gallery


South Lon­don thrums with cre­ative en­er­gy, and San Mei Gallery is right at its core. This is­n't just a place to ob­serve art; San Mei feels like an on­go­ing di­a­logue. Their ded­i­ca­tion to col­lab­o­ra­tion and ex­plo­ration im­bues the ex­hi­bi­tions with a dy­namism that tran­scends mere aes­thet­ics. The gallery's com­mit­ment to cham­pi­oning con­tem­po­rary art is ev­i­dent, and a brief con­ver­sa­tion with the staff re­veals their pro­found un­der­stand­ing and en­thu­si­asm for the artists they rep­re­sent. If you're look­ing to im­merse your­self in Lon­don's avant-garde art scene, San Mei Gallery is an es­sen­tial stop on your itin­er­ary.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesdayClosedWednesday11:00 - 18:00Thursday11:00 - 18:00Friday11:00 - 18:00Saturday11:00 - 18:00SundayClosed