modern british restaurant

Sam's River­side


Imag­ine sa­vor­ing a de­li­cious meal while soak­ing in breath­tak­ing riv­er views. That's the mag­ic of Sam's River­side. This ex­pan­sive eatery fea­tures an invit­ing ter­race per­fect for sun­ny af­ter­noons. Their menu presents a re­fined blend of An­glo-French cui­sine, with dish­es as tasty as they are vi­su­al­ly ap­peal­ing. The chic and trendy am­biance makes it a fan­tas­tic op­tion for a re­laxed lunch or a mem­o­rable evening out. Be­lieve us, the food is just as im­pres­sive as the scenery – a true de­light for all your sens­es.
