
Sale e Pepe


Crav­ing a real taste of Italy in Copen­hagen? Sale e Pepe is your an­swer. This charm­ing spot serves up home-style Ital­ian cook­ing that feels like it's straight from a non­na's kitchen. The menu is packed with clas­sics, from per­fect­ly charred piz­zas and sat­is­fy­ing pas­tas to fresh seafood and fla­vor­ful meat dish­es. The

mo­ment you step in­side, you're met with a wel­com­ing, com­fort­able at­mos­phere. The staff treats you like old friends, mak­ing sure you have a great time from start to fin­ish. Whether you're a lo­cal or just vis­it­ing, Sale e Pepe of­fers a de­li­cious and gen­uine Ital­ian ex­pe­ri­ence that will leave you want­i­ng more.

Price point
Opening hours
SundayClosedMonday17:00 - 23:00Tuesday17:00 - 23:00Wednesday17:00 - 23:00Thursday17:00 - 23:00Friday17:00 - 23:00Saturday17:00 - 23:00