
Saint Gabriel Cafe


Hel­lo and wel­come to our cozy cof­fee shop! Our spe­cial­ty is serv­ing pre­mi­um cof­fee beans care­ful­ly se­lect­ed from dif­fer­ent coun­tries and brewed by our skilled baris­tas to per­fec­tion. You'll love our serene and invit­ing am­biance, which is per­fect for catch­ing up with friends or for fo­cus­ing on work in a qui­et and peace­ful space. Don't for­get to try our de­lec­table va­ri­ety of pas­tries and cakes that go per­fect­ly with our ex­clu­sive cof­fee drinks. If you're not a cof­fee lover, we of­fer a va­ri­ety of teas and oth­er bev­er­ages to sat­is­fy your taste buds. We can't wait to see you!

Price point