
Sa­bor Mex­i­cano


Sa­bor Mex­i­cano is a true culi­nary gem. Upon en­ter­ing its sim­ple ex­te­ri­or, you're en­veloped by the en­tic­ing scents of siz­zling meats and aro­mat­ic spices, hint­ing at the de­li­cious­ness to come. The menu reads like a love let­ter to Old Mex­i­co, show­cas­ing tra­di­tion­al dish­es made with care and the fresh­est in­gre­di­ents. We can per­son­al­ly vouch for the juicy bar­ba­coa and crispy taquitos – each bite bursts with fla­vor. And don't even get us start­ed on the hor­cha­ta! This re­fresh­ing bev­er­age, a blend of rice, cin­na­mon, and sug­ar, is the per­fect way to cool down af­ter a spicy fi­es­ta on your plate. More than just a place to eat, Sa­bor Mex­i­cano of­fers a gen­uine taste of Mex­i­can cul­ture and the heart­warm­ing feel­ing of a home-cooked meal.

Price point