
Roy­al Pas­seig de Grà­cia


Roy­al Pas­seig de Grà­cia of­fers a lux­u­ri­ous re­treat on Barcelon­a's most styl­ish boule­vard. From your el­e­gant haven, step out onto Pas­seig de Grà­cia, where ar­chi­tec­tur­al mar­vels like Casa Batl­ló and La Pe­dr­era beck­on ex­plo­ration. In­dulge in a shop­ping spree at de­sign­er bou­tiques or sa­vor de­lec­table cui­sine at side­walk cafes. Re­treat to the tran­quil­i­ty of the hotel's rooftop ter­race, boast­ing panoram­ic city views and a re­fresh­ing pool. Sa­vor Mediter­ranean fla­vors at the on-site restau­rant or un­wind with a cock­tail at the so­phis­ti­cat­ed bar. Roy­al Pas­seig de Grà­cia in­vites you to ex­pe­ri­ence Barcelon­a's vi­brant en­er­gy with re­fined com­fort and ef­fort­less style.
