Roy­al Crown Ho­tel and Spa


Nes­tled amidst the bustling streets of Siem Reap, the Roy­al Crown Ho­tel and Spa wel­comes guests to a sanc­tu­ary of Khmer el­e­gance. With its grand colo­nial façade and mod­ern in­te­ri­ors, this 5-star re­treat of­fers a lux­u­ri­ous es­cape just steps away from the icon­ic Angkor Wat tem­ples. The spa­cious rooms and suites are adorned with tra­di­tion­al art­work and

boast pri­vate bal­conies with stun­ning city views. In­dulge in re­ju­ve­nat­ing treat­ments at the serene spa or sa­vor de­lec­table Khmer and in­ter­na­tion­al cui­sine at the rooftop restau­rant, of­fer­ing panoram­ic vis­tas over the city. The at­ten­tive staff and im­pec­ca­ble ser­vice en­sure a mem­o­rable stay, mak­ing the Roy­al Crown Ho­tel and Spa the per­fect base for ex­plor­ing the won­ders of Cam­bo­dia.
