thai restaurant

Rosa's Thai Lon­don Fields


Crav­ing a taste of Thai­land in Lon­don? Look no fur­ther than Rosa's Thai Kitchen in Lon­don Fields. This gem will trans­port your taste buds straight to the streets of Bangkok with its au­then­tic, home­made dish­es. Whether you're af­ter a leisure­ly dine-in ex­pe­ri­ence, grab­bing a quick take­away, or en­joy­ing the fla­vors from the com­fort of your own home with their con­ve­nient de­liv­ery ser­vice, Rosa's has you cov­ered, sev­en days a week. Their ex­cit­ing menu boasts a va­ri­ety of clas­sic Thai dish­es sure to tan­ta­lize any palate.

Price point