
Ro­man Fo­rum


Walk­ing through the ru­ins of the Ro­man Fo­rum is a tru­ly hum­bling ex­pe­ri­ence. These frag­ment­ed tem­ples and basil­i­cas were once the beat­ing pulse of an­cient Ro­man life. You can prac­ti­cal­ly hear the ghost­ly whis­pers of sen­a­tors in heat­ed de­bate, the shouts of cit­i­zens bar­ter­ing, and the rum­ble of char­i­ots tra­vers­ing the

an­cient stone streets. To stroll these same paths trod by em­per­ors con­nects you to his­to­ry in a way that is both pro­found and awe-in­spir­ing. Though much of it has crum­bled with time, the Fo­rum still whis­pers of the grandeur and might of the Ro­man Em­pire, leav­ing you breath­less with won­der.

Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 19:15Tuesday09:00 - 19:15Wednesday09:00 - 19:15Thursday09:00 - 19:15Friday09:00 - 19:15Saturday09:00 - 17:30Sunday09:00 - 19:15