
River­side Ho­tel Ph­nom Penh


The River­side Ho­tel Ph­nom Penh tru­ly lives up to its moniker. Imag­ine wak­ing up to cap­ti­vat­ing vis­tas of the Mekong Riv­er - a stark yet wel­come con­trast to the en­er­getic city right out­side your win­dow. The lob­by in­stant­ly charmed us with its warm, invit­ing at­mos­phere and chic, yet com­fort­able de­sign. Each morn­ing, the sight of the riv­er flow­ing past was an in­vi­ta­tion to pause and sa­vor the mo­ment. The break­fast spread was a treat, with a mix of Khmer and in­ter­na­tion­al fla­vors that fu­eled

our days of city ex­plo­ration. The hotel's prime lo­ca­tion al­lowed us to eas­i­ly stroll to Sisowath Quay, the Roy­al Palace, and even make time for re­flec­tion at the Tuol Sleng Geno­cide Mu­se­um. And no vis­it to the River­side would be com­plete with­out an evening at their rooftop bar. Sip­ping cock­tails as the sun set over the Ph­nom Penh sky­line is an ex­pe­ri­ence we won't soon for­get. Seek­ing a seam­less blend of ur­ban ex­plo­ration and lav­ish re­treat? This ho­tel is a gem.
