
Ric­cos Cof­fee Shop


In Copen­hagen's en­er­getic cityscape, Ric­cos Cof­fee Shop emerges as a tran­quil haven. The am­biance draws you in, with ex­posed brick walls and warm wood­en ac­cents craft­ing a cozy re­treat for cof­fee afi­ciona­dos and weary ex­plor­ers. Skilled baris­tas con­jure a sym­pho­ny of fla­vors, metic­u­lous­ly craft­ing each cup. From the vi­brant notes of Ethiopi­an Yir­gach­effe to vel­vety lattes adorned with in­tri­cate de­signs, each sip is a tes­ta­ment

to their ex­per­tise. Whether you seek a quick caf­feine boost or a leisure­ly im­mer­sion into Copen­hagen's cof­fee cul­ture, Ric­cos of­fers a sanc­tu­ary for seren­i­ty and de­light. Al­low the en­tic­ing aro­ma of fresh­ly ground beans to trans­port you to a realm of pure cof­fee bliss. In­dulge in an un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence, whether you're a cof­fee con­nois­seur or sim­ply seek­ing respite from the city's bustling streets.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday07:30 - 18:00Tuesday07:30 - 18:00Wednesday07:30 - 18:00Friday07:30 - 18:00Saturday08:00 - 18:00Sunday08:00 - 18:00Thursday07:30 - 18:00