
Restau­rante Bus­can­do El Norte


Skip the usu­al din­ner rou­tine and pre­pare for a Span­ish fla­vor fi­es­ta at Bus­can­do El Norte ("Hunt­ing the North"). This Pal­ma de Mal­lor­ca trea­sure has swift­ly be­come a beloved spot for lo­cals, and for good rea­son: their tapas are ex­tra­or­di­nary. Every dish is a burst of care­ful­ly craft­ed fla­vors and

in­ven­tive flour­ish­es, mak­ing you want to or­der the en­tire menu. But the true al­lure of this place lies in its am­biance. Bus­can­do El Norte thrums with a unique en­er­gy, a blend of lo­cal charm and artis­tic spir­it, care­ful­ly fos­tered by a team ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing a re­mark­able din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.

Price point