italian restaurant

ter­ra mia


Ter­ra Meva, in Barcelon­a's Grà­cia neigh­bor­hood, pro­vides a much-need­ed break from the usu­al tourist traps. Upon en­ter­ing, you're en­veloped by the tempt­ing aro­mas of au­then­tic Ital­ian cook­ing. The am­biance is warm and invit­ing, rem­i­nis­cent of a meal at a close friend's house. The restau­rant prides it­self on us­ing the fresh­est, in-sea­son in­gre­di­ents to craft

tra­di­tion­al Ital­ian dish­es, each in­fused with a dis­tinct Cata­lan touch. Their menu of­fers some­thing for every­one, from mouth­wa­ter­ing piz­zas and pas­tas to en­tic­ing seafood and sat­is­fy­ing meat dish­es. And the best part? Ter­ra Meva of­fers in­cred­i­ble food at af­ford­able prices, al­low­ing you to sa­vor the true fla­vors of the Mediter­ranean with­out emp­ty­ing your wal­let.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 12:00Tuesday09:30 - 12:00Wednesday09:30 - 12:00Thursday09:30 - 12:00Friday09:30 - 12:00Saturday09:30 - 12:00Sunday09:30 - 12:00