italian restaurant



Crav­ing a real taste of Italy while you're in Barcelona? Look no fur­ther than Spac­canapoli. From the sec­ond you step in­side, the warm and invit­ing at­mos­phere makes you feel like part of the fam­i­ly. Their menu reads like a love let­ter to Neapoli­tan cui­sine, fea­tur­ing fresh, high-qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents in every dish. Piz­za fa­nat­ics will go crazy for their light and airy crusts piled high with de­li­cious top­pings. If pas­ta is more your style, get ready

for per­fect­ly cooked noo­dles coat­ed in a va­ri­ety of tempt­ing sauces. And for the seafood lovers out there, the menu boasts an im­pres­sive se­lec­tion of fresh Mediter­ranean catch­es. But what tru­ly sets Spac­canapoli apart is its com­mit­ment to au­then­tic­i­ty. By sourc­ing in­gre­di­ents di­rect­ly from Italy, they de­liv­er an ex­pe­ri­ence that trans­ports your taste buds straight to Naples. Take our word for it - a meal here is an ex­pe­ri­ence you won't want to miss!

Price point