
Restau­rant San­ta­gusti­na


Restau­rant San­ta­gusti­na: a de­li­cious slice of Spain right in Barcelon­a's ex­cit­ing Las mejores tapas de Barcelona dis­trict. As you step in­side, the tempt­ing smells of clas­sic tapas dish­es will have your mouth wa­ter­ing. What makes San­ta­gusti­na spe­cial? Pic­ture this: a plate piled high with tra­di­tion­al patatas bravas next to a dish of mod­ern, in­ven­tive seafood tapas.

Every sin­gle item on the menu is like tak­ing a mini-tour of Spain's di­verse food scene, all made with the fresh­est sea­son­al in­gre­di­ents. The restau­rant it­self has a warm and invit­ing feel, so you can pop in for a quick bite or linger over a longer meal. Ei­ther way, the friend­ly ser­vice will make your vis­it mem­o­rable.

Price point