
Restau­rant la Para­da del Mar


La Para­da del Mar just oozes sea­side charm. The am­biance is so invit­ing, and the mar­itime decor tru­ly makes you feel like you're on the coast. Their menu is a culi­nary jour­ney, show­cas­ing the fresh­est catch­es of the day along­side bold Mediter­ranean fla­vors. We were ab­solute­ly wowed by the grilled oc­to­pus, and the pael­la was burst­ing with aro­mat­ic herbs

and spices. Every dish is a tes­ta­ment to the chef's love for seafood and coastal cui­sine. Sip­ping a re­fresh­ing drink while en­joy­ing the de­li­cious food, as a gen­tle sea breeze wash­es over you, is tru­ly mag­i­cal. La Para­da del Mar is more than just a meal – it's a true em­bod­i­ment of the Mediter­ranean’s live­ly spir­it.

Price point
Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday13:00 - 15:3019:00 - 22:30Wednesday13:00 - 15:3019:00 - 22:30Thursday13:00 - 15:3019:00 - 22:30Friday13:00 - 15:3019:00 - 22:30Saturday13:00 - 15:3019:00 - 22:30Sunday13:00 - 15:30