meal takeaway



Af­ter a long day of ex­plor­ing Copen­hagen, we were crav­ing a taste of some­thing ex­ot­ic. That's how we dis­cov­ered Restau­rant In­dia, and it quick­ly be­came our go-to for au­then­tic North­ern In­di­an fla­vors. We loved their take­away op­tion - per­fect for a re­laxed pic­nic by the canal as we watched the city lights twin­kle on. Each dish

was a rev­e­la­tion of aro­mat­ic spices and fresh in­gre­di­ents. From the rich cur­ries to the crispy samosas, Restau­rant In­dia nev­er dis­ap­point­ed. And oh, their gar­lic naan? Let's just say we or­dered it with every meal. Se­ri­ous­ly, don't even think about skip­ping it. Your taste buds will be for­ev­er grate­ful.

Opening hours
Tuesday14:00 - 22:00Wednesday14:00 - 22:00Thursday14:00 - 22:00Friday14:00 - 22:00Saturday14:00 - 22:00Sunday14:00 - 22:00Monday14:00 - 22:00