
Restau­rant Bar Au Pe­tit Ton­neau Lev­al­lois


Look­ing for a clas­sic Parisian ex­pe­ri­ence with­out the pre­ten­sion? Head over to Au Pe­tit Ton­neau Lev­al­lois! This charm­ing bar and bistro has been a lo­cal fa­vorite for years, and it's easy to see why. The at­mos­phere is live­ly and invit­ing, with friend­ly staff and a menu full of French com­fort food. Whether you're stop­ping in for a glass of wine and a char­cu­terie board or sit­ting down to a three-course meal, you're sure to have a de­light­ful time at Au Pe­tit Ton­neau Lev­al­lois. Don't for­get to book on­line for a has­sle-free vis­it.
