
Restau­rang Pro­fes­sorn - Restau­rang/Bar Uni­ver­sitetet


In the vi­brant Lapp­skars­ber­get neigh­bor­hood, close to Stock­holm Uni­ver­si­ty's cam­pus, Restau­rang Pro­fes­sorn is a unique es­tab­lish­ment that seam­less­ly blends a live­ly sports bar with a de­lec­table piz­za joint. Step into this con­vivial space and im­merse your­self in the en­er­getic at­mos­phere as sports en­thu­si­asts cheer on their fa­vorite teams on the big screens. But Pro­fes­sorn's culi­nary of­fer­ings are equal­ly im­pres­sive. Their piz­zas are craft­ed with fresh, high-qual­i­ty

in­gre­di­ents and cooked to per­fec­tion in a tra­di­tion­al wood-fired oven. Sa­vor the crispy crust, fla­vor­ful sauces, and gen­er­ous top­pings that will de­light your taste buds. Whether you're seek­ing a post-game bite or a ca­su­al meal with friends, Restau­rang Pro­fes­sorn of­fers a win­ning com­bi­na­tion of sports and culi­nary de­lights. Its con­ve­nient lo­ca­tion, friend­ly ser­vice, and live­ly am­biance make it a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for lo­cals and vis­i­tors alike.

Opening hours