lunch restaurant

Restau­rang Malmö


In the heart of Malmö, Restau­rang Malmö beck­ons with its sleek, con­tem­po­rary am­biance and in­no­v­a­tive Nordic cui­sine. The din­ing room, bathed in nat­ur­al light, ex­udes both so­phis­ti­ca­tion and warmth. The menu, a sym­pho­ny of sea­son­al fla­vors, show­cas­es the boun­ty of the re­gion. Start with the ex­quis­ite 'Skån­sk Äg­gak­a­ga,' a lo­cal del­i­ca­cy of eggs and smoked salmon. For mains, tan­ta­lize your taste buds with the 'Råd­jurssadel,' ten­der veni­son sad­dle served with wild mush­room risot­to. End on a sweet note with the 'Äp­pel­paj,' a clas­sic ap­ple pie with a mod­ern twist. Restau­rang Malmö is a culi­nary des­ti­na­tion that cel­e­brates the essence of con­tem­po­rary Nordic cui­sine.

Opening hours
Monday08:00 - 14:30Tuesday08:00 - 14:30Wednesday08:00 - 14:30Thursday08:00 - 14:30Friday08:00 - 14:30