hair care

Re­fresh and Spa


Es­cape the city buzz with­out ever leav­ing Lon­don at Re­fresh and Spa. From the mo­ment you step in­side, the scent of es­sen­tial oils sets a serene tone. The spa­cious treat­ment rooms pro­vide a sense of calm, where ex­pe­ri­enced ther­a­pists tai­lor each mas­sage, fa­cial, and body wrap to your needs. You'll emerge feel­ing com­plete­ly re­vi­tal­ized! Af­ter­wards, linger in their peace­ful re­lax­ation area with a cup of herbal tea and let the ex­pe­ri­ence ful­ly sink in. If you're crav­ing a break from Lon­don's en­er­gy, this is the per­fect spot to in­dulge and re­store your mind and body.
