
Red­wood Room


Pre­pare your­self for a whim­si­cal jour­ney into the heart of Los An­ge­les, where the icon­ic Red­wood Room beck­ons you with its cap­ti­vat­ing charm. This leg­endary wa­ter­ing hole, nes­tled with­in the lux­u­ri­ous Bev­er­ly Hills Ho­tel, trans­ports you to a serene for­est sanc­tu­ary. As you step in­side, the tow­er­ing red­wood trees, tow­er­ing over the room like benev­o­lent guardians,

cre­ate an at­mos­phere of awe-in­spir­ing grandeur. Warm, am­bi­ent light­ing casts a gold­en glow upon the pol­ished wood pan­el­ing and plush fur­nish­ings, invit­ing you to sink into a state of ut­ter re­lax­ation. The air hums with the gen­tle mur­mur of con­ver­sa­tions, cre­at­ing a con­vivial am­biance that makes every sip of your hand­craft­ed cock­tail an un­for­get­table mem­o­ry.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday15:00 - 02:00Wednesday11:00 - 02:00Thursday11:00 - 02:00Friday11:00 - 02:00Saturday11:00 - 02:00Sunday11:00 - 02:00