


Crav­ing a taste of pure in­dul­gence in Den­mark? Look no fur­ther than Ra­jis­si­mo. This chur­re­ria is a haven for any­one with a sweet tooth, boast­ing a menu burst­ing with tempt­ing treats. Pic­ture this: warm, crispy chur­ros dust­ed with sug­ar, creamy gela­to in a rain­bow of fla­vors, and deca­dent waf­fle­sticks piled high. Can't de­cide? No prob­lem! Ra­jis­si­mo has you cov­ered, of­fer­ing a va­ri­ety of unique desserts to sat­is­fy any crav­ing. Swing by their lo­ca­tions in Copen­hagen, Odense, or Dragør, or or­der di­rect­ly through Wolt for a taste of heav­en de­liv­ered straight to you.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 21:30Tuesday11:00 - 21:30Wednesday11:00 - 21:30Thursday11:00 - 21:30Friday11:00 - 22:30Saturday10:00 - 22:30Sunday10:00 - 21:30