


Walk­ing into Quince on a charm­ing, his­toric street in San Fran­cis­co's Jack­son Square, you im­me­di­ate­ly sense you're in for some­thing spe­cial. Owned by Lind­say and Chef Michael Tusk, Quince of­fers a unique blend of mod­ern Cal­i­forn­ian cui­sine with a dis­tinct Ital­ian in­flu­ence. Their dai­ly chang­ing tast­ing menus guar­an­tee a new ad­ven­ture with every vis­it. Chef

Tusk col­lab­o­rates di­rect­ly with Fresh Run Farm and farmer Pe­ter Mar­tinel­li, adapt­ing their har­vests to the unique mi­cro-sea­sons of Boli­nas. This farm-to-ta­ble syn­er­gy re­sults in plates burst­ing with the ab­solute best and fresh­est in­gre­di­ents. It's this ded­i­ca­tion to a per­son­al­ized ap­proach to food and sourc­ing that makes Quince a can't-miss ex­pe­ri­ence for dis­cern­ing palates.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday17:00 - 21:00Wednesday17:00 - 21:00Thursday17:00 - 21:00Friday17:00 - 21:00Saturday17:00 - 21:00SundayClosed