escape room center



Stock­holm's es­cape rooms of­fer an ex­cit­ing and unique way to spend an af­ter­noon. Es­cape Game Stock­holm will test your puz­zle-solv­ing skills with its in­tri­cate sce­nar­ios. Mean­while, Es­cape Room Stock­holm em­pha­sizes team­work, re­quir­ing you and your friends to band to­geth­er to suc­ceed. For some­thing tru­ly dif­fer­ent, House of Mys­ter­ies of­fers a cap­ti­vat­ing, mul­ti-sen­so­ry ex­pe­ri­ence. And of course, there's the al­ways-pop­u­lar Es­cape Game, a glob­al phe­nom­e­non known for its clever and chal­leng­ing

rooms. From the sec­ond you step in­side, these es­cape rooms trans­port you to an­oth­er re­al­i­ty. You and your team will need to com­bine your in­tel­lects, us­ing every ounce of cre­ativ­i­ty to de­ci­pher clues and con­quer each chal­lenge. Though the clock is con­stant­ly tick­ing, the feel­ing of ac­com­plish­ment af­ter a suc­cess­ful es­cape is ex­hil­a­rat­ing. Whether a sea­soned pro or a cu­ri­ous new­bie, Stock­holm's es­cape rooms promise a mem­o­rable ex­pe­ri­ence.

Opening hours
Tuesday11:00 - 20:30Monday11:00 - 20:30Wednesday11:00 - 20:30Thursday11:00 - 20:30Friday11:30 - 21:00Saturday10:00 - 22:00Sunday11:30 - 21:00