
Queen's Park


Es­cape the hus­tle and bus­tle of city life at Queen's Park, an ur­ban oa­sis in North West Lon­don. Sprawl out on the lush green lawns or stroll through the fra­grant rose gar­dens, ad­mir­ing the vi­brant blooms. This Vic­to­ri­an park has some­thing for every­one, from a chil­dren's play­ground and ten­nis courts to a crick­et pitch and a band­stand

host­ing sum­mer con­certs. Take a pic­turesque walk along the Grand Union Canal, watch­ing col­or­ful nar­row­boats and grace­ful swans glide by. Re­fu­el at the park's charm­ing cafe, tra­di­tion­al pub, or fam­i­ly-friend­ly restau­rant af­ter ex­plor­ing its many de­lights. With its stun­ning land­scap­ing and live­ly at­mos­phere, Queen's Park is a per­fect spot to un­wind, re­lax, and soak up the vi­brant city's at­mos­phere.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday07:00 - 16:30Tuesday07:00 - 16:30Wednesday07:00 - 16:30Thursday07:00 - 16:30Friday07:00 - 16:30Saturday07:00 - 16:30Sunday07:00 - 16:30