
Que Ri­cos


Get ready for a fla­vor ex­plo­sion at Que Ri­cos, a Los An­ge­les fa­vorite. This place is a fi­es­ta for your taste buds, with a menu over­flow­ing with de­li­cious op­tions. Imag­ine sink­ing your teeth into a bur­ri­to packed with your go-to fill­ings, or sa­vor­ing per­fect­ly cooked shrimp and siz­zling fa­ji­tas. Crav­ing some­thing more tra­di­tion­al? Their tor­tas, que­sadil­las, huaraches, and

tostadas are burst­ing with au­then­tic Mex­i­can fla­vors. Whether you're up for a break­fast feast of eggs, omelets, ham, or ba­con, or seek­ing a sat­is­fy­ing lunch or din­ner, Que Ri­cos de­liv­ers. Con­ve­nient­ly sit­u­at­ed for those in Los An­ge­les, Lit­tle Ar­me­nia, Sil­ver Lake, and Hol­ly­wood, they of­fer on­line or­der­ing for pick­up, take­out, car­ry­out, and even cater­ing. Each bite is a de­li­cious ad­ven­ture!

Opening hours
Monday07:00 - 12:00Tuesday07:00 - 12:00Wednesday07:00 - 12:00Thursday07:00 - 12:00Friday07:00 - 12:00Saturday07:00 - 12:00Sunday07:00 - 12:00