
Pre­to Put­ney


Meat lovers, get ready for Pre­to Put­ney! This Brazil­ian steak­house, with out­posts across Lon­don and be­yond, of­fers a "rodizio" ex­pe­ri­ence that will leave you ab­solute­ly stuffed. Pic­ture this: skew­ers over­flow­ing with ten­der, fla­vor­ful BBQ meats, sliced right at your ta­ble by skilled "pas­sadores." But hold on, there's more! Pre­to does­n't skimp on the sides. A won­der­ful as­sort­ment of gourmet op­tions is avail­able to round out your meal. Look­ing for a fun and tasty din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence in Lon­don? Make sure to add Pre­to Put­ney to your list.

Price point