
Posa­da Ter­ra San­ta


Step­ping into Posa­da Ter­ra San­ta is like step­ping back in time – in the best way pos­si­ble. Housed with­in a beau­ti­ful­ly pre­served 16th-cen­tu­ry palace, this bou­tique ho­tel pro­vides a tran­quil respite from the city's en­er­gy. Pic­ture your­self un­wind­ing by the rooftop pool, bask­ing in the Mediter­ranean sun and en­joy­ing sweep­ing vis­tas

of Pal­ma. Af­ter­wards, treat your­self to the hotel's serene spa for a tru­ly restora­tive ex­pe­ri­ence. Posa­da Ter­ra San­ta is more than just a place to sleep; it's a sanc­tu­ary for those seek­ing peace and a chance to re­con­nect with them­selves, all with­in an am­biance that seam­less­ly blends his­to­ry and con­tem­po­rary op­u­lence.
