
Porte­na Shop


Okay, I need a bit more to go on! Telling me that Porteña is a restau­rant is a great start. To make my de­scrip­tion sound like it's com­ing from a sea­soned trav­el­er, tell me: * What's the vibe? Is it ca­su­al and bustling, or does it have a more ro­man­tic, up­scale feel? *

What's their spe­cial­ty? Do they fo­cus on a spe­cif­ic cui­sine or have a sig­na­ture dish? * What makes it mem­o­rable? Is it the ex­cep­tion­al ser­vice, a unique de­sign el­e­ment, or a live­ly at­mos­phere? Once I have these de­tails, I can write a de­scrip­tion that will make your read­ers feel like they're al­ready there!

Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 17:00Tuesday09:00 - 23:00Wednesday09:00 - 23:00Thursday09:00 - 23:00Friday09:00 - 23:00Saturday09:00 - 23:00Sunday09:00 - 17:00