


Por­tal, a Stock­holm eatery, ditch­es the fuss for what tru­ly mat­ters: se­ri­ous­ly good food. Their recipe for suc­cess? Unique fla­vors, top-qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents, and a menu de­signed to com­ple­ment their bev­er­age se­lec­tion per­fect­ly. Their menu changes with the sea­sons, show­cas­ing the finest lo­cal pro­duce. The chef­s' com­mit­ment to sourc­ing pre­mi­um, sea­son­al in­gre­di­ents is ev­i­dent in every beau­ti­ful­ly plat­ed dish. Whether you're crav­ing small

plates or a sat­is­fy­ing main course, Por­tal has some­thing to please every palate. And don't over­look the drinks! Their skilled som­me­liers ex­cel at rec­om­mend­ing the per­fect wine, beer, or cock­tail to en­hance your meal, el­e­vat­ing it from good to un­for­get­table. Por­tal un­der­stands that din­ing should be a plea­sure. This is your in­vi­ta­tion to sa­vor a mem­o­rable, de­li­cious, and re­fresh­ing­ly straight­for­ward meal in Stock­holm.

Opening hours
Monday11:15 - 23:00Tuesday11:15 - 23:00Wednesday11:15 - 23:00Thursday11:15 - 12:00Friday11:15 - 12:00Saturday16:00 - 12:00