
Pizze­ria Prezze­mo­lo Örby


Join us for our dai­ly lunch spe­cial for only 125 Swedish Kro­na! This ir­re­sistible deal is avail­able on week­days from 10:30 am un­til 2:00 pm. In­dulge in our de­li­cious sal­ad bar, fresh bread and but­ter, and a re­fresh­ing soda drink. Sat­is­fy your sweet tooth with our mouth­wa­ter­ing cook­ies, and en­joy your choice of hot cof­fee or tea. Don't pass up this op­por­tu­ni­ty to sa­vor an af­ford­able and de­lec­table meal that's open to every­one.

Opening hours
Monday10:30 - 21:00Tuesday10:30 - 21:00Wednesday10:30 - 21:00Thursday10:30 - 21:00Friday10:30 - 21:00Saturday11:00 - 21:00Sunday11:00 - 21:00