pizza restaurant

Piz­za Ex­press


Piz­za Ex­press is a great spot for a ca­su­al bite just steps from the Thames. This two-sto­ry restau­rant has a love­ly out­door area, per­fect for en­joy­ing the fresh air on a pleas­ant day. In­side, the vibe is re­laxed and wel­com­ing, mak­ing it an equal­ly good choice for a leisure­ly meal no mat­ter the weath­er.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:30 - 22:00Tuesday11:30 - 22:00Wednesday11:30 - 22:00Thursday11:30 - 23:00Friday11:30 - 23:00Saturday11:30 - 23:00Sunday11:30 - 22:00